Friday, April 10, 2009

God of War: Chains of Olympus [PSP]

For the first time in my 21 years of existence, I've finally been able to finish a game from start to end!

From the Family Computer to Sega, from Nintendo to PlayStation one, and until every high-tech game console started coming out like Wii, it was my frustration to finish a game.

Once the going gets tough, I quit and never would I ever attempt to play it again.

But this week was different. I was successful! I've put an end to my lame attitude of starting something, but never really get to finishing it.

God of War: Chains of Olympus [PSP] would be an unforgettable game for me. Overall, I would give it a 9.7 (10 as the highest.)

Presentation: 9.5
The story presentation was cool! I'd like to commend the writers for being able to tie Greek mythology with the game as if it's the really story that's been written on the books.
Graphics: A staggering 10
This sets the standard for gaming in the PSP. Clear and smooth graphics all throughout the game with awesome visual effects.
Sound: 10
The voiceovers deserve a big hand, and the background music as well. I swear, my heart pounds hard when I hear that kind
of music while playing the game.
Gameplay: 9.0
I've played games like this, but it has better graphics and presentation. However, it was a bit short. It only took me less than 8 hours to finish. I so, so love the mini-game play.
Appeal: 10
This game would go a long way. I'm looking forward for the PART TWO!!
Of course, a big thanks to Entertainment Games for their Walkthrough [Click this link to go to the guide]. I can't do it alone, you know! I needed help, or else, I'd be putting my PSP down and would have slept rather than pissing myself on trying to figure out how to get out of a freaking chapter!

Here are some screenshots from

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